Before I started working with Nicky Bunn I was feeling frustrated and stuck at a crossroads in terms of my career and balancing my home life. Nicky really helped me get clarity on what to focus on during a very chaotic time. She helped me understand that some things were out of my control and that I needed to focus on the things I could change. We discussed potential work ideas and training and worked through the barriers that were stopping me from moving ahead. She helped me re-discover my core values and had some great techniques to find inner confidence, deal with self-doubt and work out what I really wanted to do.
The biggest result has been making a decision on a career path and taking the plunge by investing in relevant training. I had been thinking about starting a new business but was unable to make any decisions and was reluctant to invest in myself in case things didn’t work out. Nicky helped me see the bigger picture, weigh up the risks, re-discover my skills and see the value in investing in myself. In our last session, we talked through a business plan and I now feel like I’m on the way to an exciting new venture.
Working with Nicky is an absolute pleasure. Her sessions are structured and professional but she is so down to earth and easy to talk to it’s amazing how easily the thoughts and ideas naturally flowed. Each theme was determined by me and she really listened to what I was saying, honing in on relevant topics and helping me formulate ideas and make decisions which I struggled to do on my own.
I’d highly recommend Nicky’s coaching if you feel at a crossroads and you need help with focus, direction and confidence to move forward. Our discussions have led to decisions which will not only make a real difference to my career but also help me lead a more balanced and fulfilled life in general.
Thank you Nicky!